Building 4 Impact – research for thought leadership and positioning in the built environment

Building 4 Impact

office workers

How can we enhance productivity in a growing culture of working from home? How can we create a circular economy in our homes and workplaces? Is it time to phase out gas from our homes?

These are the sorts of questions Building 4 Impact (B4i) can help your business answer.

Prachi Garnawat started Building 4 Impact to advance and raise the standards of liveability and sustainability in our built environment through research.

The think tank blends industry flair with academic integrity in the research it conducts for its client base of developers, architects, engineers, ESD firms and other built environment professionals that want answers to pressing questions to help them get ahead, or to position themselves as thought leaders.

Building 4 Impact’s competent research team can cover anything to do with the liveability of a building, including occupant productivity and indoor environmental quality (IEQ).

The researchers also have expertise in environmental performance of buildings, including energy efficiency, embodied energy, life cycle analysis, waste management and the circular economy.

As an example, Prachi is presently in the throes of a major piece of research for Makao Group to better understand the impact of working from home on worker’s perceived productivity.

It’s a question on everybody’s lips but no firm answers, with some research showing people are happier in their own space while other papers have revealed increased stress and burnout.

The initial results have found that 33 per cent of respondents reported decreased productivity while WFH, 22 per cent thought it remained unchanged while 24 per cent reported that their productivity increased first and then decreased.

Strengthening ties between academia and industry

Building 4 Impact started out as a consultancy providing a range of services such as NABERS ratings for energy, water, waste and IEQ, as well as assessments for thermal, visual and acoustic comfort.

Read more: How to save money, raise sustainability and get a lift in staff productivity

Prachi has since recognised the opportunity to strengthen the relationship between academia and industry through bespoke research, especially for firms that might not be big enough to commission work from top tier universities.

She says that as a PhD student she has been approached by several businesses looking to raise their profile through white papers and reports, or get an edge on the competition through bespoke research, but didn’t know where to start.

“As a researcher I found there was a lack of knowledge exchange between universities and industry,” Prachi says.

Building 4 Impact is supported by RMIT University’s emerging businesses support group, Activator.

Building for Impact

Consultants | Victoria