TGL News: sugarcane six–packs, a jazzy new site and the festival for our cities

TGL News

This week was full of helpful guides to help green your business and your community.

Six packs without the plastic hangover

BioPak has raised the bar for beer and brought out a new range of carrying rings. Made from sugar cane pulp, they are Australian certified home compostable so will break down in your backyard compost bin. They’re also easily recycled in the paper recycling stream, with no plastics in sight.

To make things sweeter, these sugarcane beer rings work out to be cheaper than their typical plastic counterparts! You can currently buy these beer rings in the classic six–pack size, and BioPak plans to add two– and four–pack options soon.

→ Find out more

A jazzy new website

It’s not often a background as a jazz radio presenter informs website development. For environmental and recycling PR specialist Dennis Rutzou, the knowledge that many users access the web on public transport from their smartphones with headphones in led him to do things a little differently. The site has an audio introduction, rather than a written one, for example.
→ Hear it for yourself

The festival trying to change your view of the city

The Festival of Urbanism wants to stitch public health back into the tapestry of our homes and cities. Running over two weeks in September, it will host talks, walking tours, film screenings and panels, all looking at the way our built environment impacts our wellbeing.

The festival will be held in both Sydney and Melbourne between 2–12 September 2019, and is brought to you by the Henry Halloran Trust with the assistance of the University of Sydney, Monash University, and the Charles Perkins Centre.
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Emission reduction targets based on science and Energetics

sunflower flower sun square

Investment management company IFM Investors has set science-based emission reduction targets for infrastructure assets including Ausgrid, Melbourne Airport and NSW ports. With the help of green energy consultancy firm Energetics, the global investment provider has set these targets for seven such transport and energy assets. The targets include emissions reduction projects such as transferring to solar energy and upgrading existing fittings and buildings to be more efficient.
→ Read the article on The Fifth Estate to find out more

This week’s guides and explainers

photo of White Gum Valley in Western AustraliaHow to design and build truly sustainable cities

There’s more to a planning precinct than marketing buzzwords such as “vibrant”, “lively” and “activated”. A genuinely progressive precinct is more sustainable, connected and resource-efficient, according to a new guide to low carbon precincts from the CRCLCL.
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How to benefit from renewable energy power purchase agreements

“RE PPAs can be a powerful tool to reduce greenhouse emissions, exposure to volatile electricity prices, and electricity bills,” said Chris Briggs and Jonathan Prendergast from Business Renewables Centre-Australia.
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Walking path under jacaranda trees in the Brisbane green infrastructureA guide to green infrastructure

The word “infrastructure” generally summons up images of roads, railways, power stations and shiny new bridges. But it’s a concept that includes all the features and systems that support urban environments, including water management, maintaining a comfortable habitat and more.
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