As an industry body, it represents the interests of 650 member companies with a combined 20,000 employees that together account for 90 per cent of the glazing products used in Australian buildings.
According to AWA chief executive Tracey Gramlick the trajectory for energy efficiency is a standing item for the AWA board, and it is an active member of peak industry groups including ASBEC and the Building Products Innovation Council.
The AWA developed and administers the Window Energy Rating System [WERS], the go-to for designers, specifiers and consultants to assess the performance of window products.
There are around half a million data sets in WERS, and an expanded and improved WERS 2.0 is in development, Gramlick says.
To assist industry in delivering compliant buildings, all AWA member products are NATA tested and third-party certified as compliant to relevant Australian Standards.