How does the urban heat island respond to new tree plantings or a cool new pond? Or a new building in Parramatta? And how did residents at Lochiel Park in South Australia achieve more than 60 per cent energy savings? Two new videos from the CRCLCL capture the hands-on insights and the excitement of new interactive modeling tools that can answer those questions.
The CRC for Low Carbon Living may have officially wrapped up at the end of June, but its impact is far from over. The legacy of this seven year running collaborative research centre continues with a suit of tools and guides to help everyone from consumers to councils and designers make better, more comfortable buildings and communities.
Two great videos released as part of the work the CRCLCL’s Towards Zero Carbon series offer a snapshot of how its work has been implemented so far, and the importance and potential for continuing to improve the sustainability of our homes and cities into the future.