Ponyup For Good: Turning old technology into food programs and more

Ponyup For Good


PonyUp for Good featured on the ABC’s The War on Waste

Ever thought about turning your business’ pre-loved technology into food for people in need?

This kooky concept is the result of long-term friends Mardi Brown and Cat Harding, swapping handwritten business ideas worthy of putting their “hearts and souls” into.

Eighteen months later, PonyUp for Good operations are well underway.

The social enterprise collects decommissioned technology, erases any data, and then sells the devices on with a “reuse first mandate”.

Half of PonyUp’s profits go to SecondBite, which rescues fresh food heading to landfill and redistributes it to food relief programs around the country.

“We report back in to our clients in terms of how many kilos of technology is kept out of landfill, the percentage of technology that is reused verses recycled, and how many fresh meals were donated from each tech collection”, said co founder Mardi Brown.

“We’re helping our clients keep on track with their own sustainability & community impact goals – and it’s now just part of their business as usual.”

SXiQ Team Volunteer Program

Ponyup For Good

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