The Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living has accepted the Australian Institute of Architects’ Leadership in Sustainability Prize. It was recognised for its ongoing policy work, including proposed revisions to the building sustainability index, and collective advocacy work.
In its citation, the jury described the CRC as “one of Australia’s pivotal research and innovation hubs,” highlighting that “in a reasonably short time [it] has touched a large number of those in the built environment in a positive way.”
Integral Group has moved from North Sydney to their new offices in the CBD and says this latest hub will allow the company to “accelerate sustainable and efficient building design solutions to exclusive projects around the world.
“Integral Group will continue to work on deep green projects in Australia and New Zealand. Please pop in for a visit, we’d love to see you!”
Dennis Rutzou Public Relations has reported a decision by the Queensland government will put his client’s proposed tyre recycling plant in jeopardy. The Toowoomba based Green Distillation Technologies plant aims to tackle the waste issue posed by rising numbers of end of life tyres by converting approximately 700,000 of these per year into materials such as oil, steel and carbon.
“We had applied for a $5 million grant to pay 50 per cent of the estimated construction cost,” said Green Distillation Technologies’ COO, Trevor Bayley, “and the decision not to contribute has meant that we have to either find the money from private investment, or re-evaluate the project and focus our attention elsewhere.”
enrich360 on the circular economy and how their product can close the loop on food waste
PonyUp for Good featured on the ABC’s The War on Waste