We were thrilled to hear from long time Greenlister Moreland Energy Foundation that they would be going national! This inspiring foundation has been helping Victorians make the switch to zero carbon electricity for some time, and to save money on their bills. Now they’re leading the way to an equitable zero carbon society for all Australians and to make the point they’re rebadged as the Australian Energy Foundation.
It’s with fond memories that we say goodbye this week to the CRC for Low Carbon Living. This collaborative research hub, between academia, business and government, has over seven years produced fabulous work decarbonise our built environment and improve sustainability. One of the most recent initiatives was the exciting pilot television show Renovate or Rebuild. See a story on the major achievements of the CRCLCL in The Fifth Estate.
Among the work is a series of guides that are beautifully written and easy to understand. They capture the learnings of the CRC work and turn them into practical advice so the rest of us – business, consumers and anyone else – can take action wherever we can.
We’re profiling six of these guides in The Green List over coming weeks. The first is on how to upgrade your home’s energy efficiency, whether you’re an owner or a tenant, without a big price tags or even a development application or approval from the body corporate if you’re in a strata building. So saving money while saving the planet. A definite to bookmark!
It’s Plastic Free July! You probably know a few tips and tricks to minimise single use plastic in your daily lives. Especially after the phenomenal success of the ABC’s War on Waste which is now credited with “systems-wide changes” that are slashing the waste footprint of hundreds of Australian organisations. And that’s an outcome straight out of a new study the ABC has undertaken in partnership with the University of Technology Sydney’s Institute for Sustainable Futures.
And it’s good to see that the NSW government is finally moving to ban single use plastic too, so long after the rest of the country, See an article in the SMH here
But what about at work? We’ve wrapped up some of Plastic Free July’s tips to help you and your colleagues go zero plastic this month!
If you need some inspiration for Plastic Free July, check out Good Green Home Loans’ Amy Beattie‘s Instagram. Amy has been picking plastic straws, bottles and other waste items on her walks every day since 20 February 2019! That’s 133 days as of 3 July 2019, and she’s going for a full year and maybe beyond!
On a national scale, we’re thrilled to announce CitySwitch, a program in cooperation with Better Buildings Partnership, has improved the sustainability of more than 900 offices. That’s roughly 16 per cent of Australia’s office space that has been assisted to become more energy efficient, economic and waste free. If you’d like to know more or get involved, head to CitySwitch’s website.
If your business is based in Adelaide and you want to improve your sustainability you might be more than interested to jump aboard some fabulous grants that the City of Adelaide is offering for shared solar, electric vehicles and energy storage.
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