You want your superannuation savings to be invested in things that also serve the planet’s long-term interests. But how can you be sure your fund’s values align with yours – or even its own claims?
What types of hydrogen energy are there? A quick guide to hydrogen
Here at The Green List we’ve been hearing a lot more about hydrogen these days. Green, blue, grey… it can be confusing to understand what these different terms actually mean.
Bligh Graham Architects: How good design brings a house, a flat, and an office together without sacrificing privacy
In a semi-rural block, just 20 minutes north-west of the Brisbane CBD sits a striking family home, unusual both in its aesthetics and functional design.
Solar is the cheapest power, and a literal light-bulb moment showed us we can cut costs and emissions even further
Recent extreme weather events have underscored the need to cut the CO₂ emissions that are driving up global temperatures. This requires a rapid transition of the energy economy to renewable energy sources, the cheapest being solar photovoltaics (PV). And our newly published research points to a way we can drive down costs of the shift even further using cheaper forms of silicon for highly efficient solar panels.
ACT Container Deposit Scheme celebrates fourth birthday with big wins
The ACT Container Deposit Scheme is celebrating its success for the fourth year running. Thanks to the tremendous effort of the community, over 181 million containers have been returned through the scheme’s network of return points – that’s more than $18 million in refunds back in the hands of the community.
Energetics head of strategy says demand for sustainability consultants will only rise
As both government regulations and voluntary emissions reductions programs are constantly in flux, it would be wise to stay ahead of the curve.
Sustainable Office Solutions: finding new homes for your office furniture when you move out
Sustainable Office Solutions was created to limit the amount of perfectly good office furniture going to landfill.
Australian Passive House Association: how to unlock the way to wellbeing and comfort – sustainably
We spend a lot of time indoors so keeping the indoor air comfortable and healthy is central to many people’s concerns. Unfortunately, buildings consume 40 per cent of energy globally mostly to achieve these aims. Passive House can turn this profile around. It’s beauty in simplicity. It is about going back to basics – using…
The secret life of plastic
Nowadays, you just can’t get through even one day without encountering plastic in some form. Grocery bags, coffee cups, even clothing – plastic is everywhere.
But it hasn’t always been this way.