The EcCell Environmental team of waste and environmental accreditors have been in the waste game long before it got fashionable.
EcCell Environmental: War on Waste has helped change the game for booming waste industry
Built: collaboration and big ambitions are key to great office refurb results
The most important part of achieving great outcomes on refurbishment is collaboration, according to Built national sustainability manager Joe Karten.
Poly: How the soothing sound of water brings back calm to the office
GECA: How to avoid greenwash with eco certification
Greenwash claims can affect your business reputation and ultimately your bottom line, so how can you prove your products and services do what they say on the tin? One way is by seeking independent verification of your environmental features.
thinkstep-anz: How to boost environmental credentials and market reputation
Kernel Property: ‘Sweeping-up’ behind yourself yields big savings when moving office
Paul Mead has a few surprises up his sleeves in his tenant advisory business, which adds up to significant savings for tenants when relocating.
Henry Halloran Trust: Adding balance to debate on our cities’ futures
Office Spectrum: The many ways of pre-loved office furniture
Whether your furniture is worth salvaging and refurbishing, or not, Office Spectrum director Joyce Seeho will tell you, straight up.